Our beautiful Ferdinand! It's so amazing how fast he has grown. From a sickly 60lb calf living in my kitchen to several hundred pounds of pure love! Ferdi's breed, the Jersey, is commonly used for the production of dairy. They are known to be smart, curious and very affectionate! But Ferdinand was born with a big problem, he was a boy. Since he could not produce what he was bred for aka...milk, he was sent to auction to be raised as meat. At the sanctuary, Ferdinand gets the chance of a lifetime. Literally. Out of the dozens of calves at the auction that day, I can almost guarantee you that he was the only one given the opportunity to live a full life of love. A life that does not need to worry that a human hand will take it far before its time.
Momma, Rosa. The love in her eyes at the approach of hand is beyond heart warming. Rosa came to me with her twin sister, Sophia. While her sister was always outgoing, Rosa remained reserved and chose to watch from a distance. Last year, two of the neighbors dogs brutally attacked our goats killing Rosa's sister, Sophia and her best friend, a disabled fainting goat named Giuseppe. Rosa managed to escape and we found her huddled under the horses bearing deep wounds on her neck. We were devastated but determined to give Rosa what she needed most, a new family. Over the past year and a half, Rosa has made a complete 180 in her personality, leading the way and mentoring each new goat that enters the sanctuary. She is such a beautiful example of how to survive all of the evil in this world by striving to seek out all that is good.
Raven came to us from a very loving home in Virginia. She is a little over a year old and was born with her back legs tucked underneath her. Her people parents refused to accept that this disability would be life ending and raised her inside their home, giving her everything she needed to thrive. Unfortunately life throws things at us all that we can not foresee. The family had to move from their small farm to the suburbs where goats are not allowed. They tried as hard as they could but knew this wasn't the best life for Raven. They reached out to us several weeks ago and I knew we had to help this heartbroken family make things right. So Raven starts a new adventure here at Gratitude Gate. Sometimes rescue isn't abuse and neglect, but understanding and helping. We are so happy to have this sweet girl join our herd and give her the life her people knew she deserved.
Rosco was born with a neurologic disorder that effects his balance and coordination. Very similar to Cerebellar hypoplasia, a condition seen in kittens and sometimes puppies. Rosco's mother was given a medication during pregnancy that caused his condition. He came to us completely helpless but with an incredible will to live. Rosco lives in my house with his goat brother, Happy and watch cat, Snickers... seen snuggling in the background. Rosco's condition is non progressive meaning it can only get better! We are using a successfully proven therapy program to help him walk without the aid of a cart or harness. The strides he has made in the last 6 months are inspiring. We have been working closely with our local vet and scheduled to see a neurologist at University of Pennsylvania's New Bolton Center next week now that he is old enough to expand his therapy program.
Petey Peterson and his funny faces! We rescued Petey last year from a farm where he was being fed pasta, Cheerios and chicken scratch. His copper deficiency was so severe, his femur in his rear leg just snapped in half just 3 days after he arrived at Gratitude Gate. He had to go directly into surgery and had 2 rods and 2 pins placed in that leg. Petey's leg healed beautifully and doesn't bother him one bit as he bounces around with his friends in the pasture.
Babe and PeeBee
Babe and PeeBee
Babe and PeeBee were both at a local auction where hundreds of calves are sold for veal everyday. At only about 3 days of age they were taken from their mothers and thrown in the back of a truck, destined for a short and miserable future. To their unknowing hearts, Gratitude Gate intercepted that fate and provided and opportunity of a lifetime for both of these beautiful boys. Now safe and healthy they can live a full life and teach others just how sweet and smart cows truly are!
Babe and PeeBee
Babe and PeeBee
Babe and PeeBee were both at a local auction where hundreds of calves are sold for veal everyday. At only about 3 days of age they were taken from their mothers and thrown in the back of a truck, destined for a short and miserable future. To their unknowing hearts, Gratitude Gate intercepted that fate and provided and opportunity of a lifetime for both of these beautiful boys. Now safe and healthy they can live a full life and teach others just how sweet and smart cows truly are!